Friday, June 22, 2012

Posture - By Paula Moore -- Video Playlist

"My name is Paula Moore and I’m an on-line video blogging posture fanatic. I use videos to teach people good posture so they age well.
I came into chiropractic 20 years ago, living in Toronto and suffering daily headaches. Chiropractic resolved my headaches quickly and I was so amazed that I up and moved to the UK to study chiropractic.
There was one issue, one bugbear, one total frustration throughout my chiropractic training and many years that followed. I HATED MY POSTURE.  This drove me to distraction. I was ashamed to be a chiropractor with bad posture.
I tried everything. I trained with top posture experts like Professor Stuart McGill and I even qualified with a fellowship in the Clinical Biomechanics of Posture (another two years on top of the first five). I had x-rays taken of my neck and they confirmed what I feared. My posture was beginning to look like my mothers.
One morning though, I woke and I looked at my posture in the mirror-this day I saw something different. The penny dropped. All along I’d been telling my patients to look at their WHOLE body. I wanted them to understand that they didn’t have a low back problem, a shoulder problem,  a knee problem but a problem with their body as 1 whole. I had forgotten my own Golden Rule.
This moment may just have changed my life because it was at this moment that I began creating posture videos from the exercises I put together to correct my own unattractive forward head posture."

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